Join SCRD! You don't need to take a hit to join us - you don't even need to skate! You can join just to be a part of our community and help out the League, to learn to skate just for skating's sake, or of course we're happy to train you from no skating experience at all, all the way up to Bouting Skater.
Sunshine City Roller Derby is bouting indoors in their bigger venue, with AC, and beer! Come celebrate with us and enjoy hard-hitting action.
Sunshine City will play its first game out of state - if you'll be in California that day, come see us play in our double-header!
Sunshine City Roller Derby is bouting indoors in their bigger venue, with AC, and beer! Come celebrate with us and enjoy hard-hitting action.
It's the skate, skatiest season of allll. SCRD is finishing the year out with skaters from all over Florida at Sunderman Skate Rink, a covered outdoor rink, with multiple bouts for different levels, food trucks - it's the Sunshine Sleigh Down!